Sunday, November 2, 2008

I’M NOT A GOOD PERSON by Joanne Lowe

“God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”

Psalm 53: 2, 3

King James Version

I was talking to a dear friend yesterday morning. My friend is going through a very difficult time right now and he is very discouraged. He has had a lot of sorrow and heartaches in his life. As he was sharing the difficult situation he is facing with me, God laid it on my heart to be sure that my friend knows without a shadow of doubt and understands that Jesus really does love him and that Jesus hurts when he is hurting. I gave my friend one of my new business cards and he read on the card “Jesus loves you.”

As my friend was looking at my business card, he got tears in his eyes and said “I’m not a good person. I don’t know how Jesus could love me. I have done a lot of terrible things in my life; hateful things that I know I should not have done.” I told my friend that the unconditional love of Jesus for us is not based on who we are or on the things that we have done or will do. The unconditional and compassionate love of our precious Saviour for us is based on who He is.

Jesus is not only the definition of unconditional love and compassion; He is unconditional love and compassion! His heart is filled with forgiveness for all of us. None of us are any good and none of us are worthy of His love, no, not one of us. It is only because the heart of our precious Saviour is filled with compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love for us that He willingly walked that long and lonely road to Calvary to die for our sins.

He allowed the people to curse Him, mock Him, ridicule Him, beat Him beyond recognition, spit on Him and nail Him to a cross of horror and agony because He loves us so much. What unconditional love and what compassion flowed from the heart of our precious Saviour on the darkest and most horrible day in all of history for you and for me.

That same unconditional love and compassion still flows from the heart of Jesus for every one of us every day of our lives. He loved us yesterday; He loves us today just as much as He did yesterday and He will love us tomorrow just as much as He does today. There is nothing that we can do that will cause Him to stop loving us. Yes, all of us fail Him and hurt Him at times, but He still loves us unconditionally. There is no one like Jesus! No one loves us like Jesus loves us.

We can do good deeds every day and give money to charity but those things do not make us good people. When my friend said to me “I’m not a good person”, he was telling the truth. My friend is not a good person. You are not a good person and I am not a good person. There was only one perfect person and His name is Jesus. I am so thankful that one day our dear Heavenly Father opened His compassionate heart to us and sent His beloved Son to pay the price for our sins so that we may have the privilege of being saved and live in Heaven with Him for all eternity.

Don’t wait until you think you are a good person to ask Jesus into your heart to be your personal Saviour. You will never be good enough no matter what you do. If you have never opened the door to your heart and invited Jesus into your heart to be your personal Saviour, I urge you, I plead with you to say “yes” to Jesus right now. You may not have a tomorrow or even another hour. Swallow your pride, admit that you are a sinner and invite the Christ of Calvary into your heart right now before it is too late!

Joanne Lowe

October 31, 2008

Barack Obama - I Am My Brother's Keeper

"Does Barack Obama keep "the promise of America" when it comes to his own family?" – McCain Shredding Obama's Lead – McCain Shredding Obama's Lead: "Iraq isn't the only place where the surge seems to be working. John McCain's gains over the last five days are remaking the political landscape as Election Day approaches.

The double-digit leads Barack Obama held last week have evaporated, as all three of the top tracking polls..."

Sen. Clinton On Obama And Ayers

John McCain Performs Barbara Striesand Hits

Take a break for a few minutes to see the entertaining side of John McCain he "sings" Barbara Striesand hits on SNL back in 2002.

John McCain stated during his performance, "Do I know how to sing?...About as well as she [Barbara Streisand] knows how to govern America." Now here's my twist to the quote; Does Obama know how to govern America?...Sure, if Barbara Streisand knows how to govern America.

(Note: if the below video does not work, here is the link to the video's page: Classic Hits from John McCain)

See current SNL backstage footage of John and Cindy McCain as he reminisce on the Streisand performance:

Amy J.

The scariest Halloween mask ever by Stephen Yulish

Obama was not born in a manger nor was he born on the planet Krypton. He is not Superman nor is he our Savior. Americans are so mesmerized by him that many do not see his questionable relationships or outlandish policy statements. Do they really want to “spread the wealth” and “redistribute the income”? Do they really want more government programs and entitlements and higher taxes? Do they want European style socialism?

What about Obama’s relationships with Rev. Wright and Father Fleuger and the radical Marxist Saul Alinsky (who dedicated his book to Lucifer) and Tony Rezco and Bill Ayers and Acorn and the Socialist New Party and the Woods Foundation? What about his sealed birth certificate?

Doesn’t it bother people that Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers and the President of Iran and a spokesman for the PLO and Hamas and the PLA in Gaza and Al Qaida all want Obama to win? That should tell them something. All of these groups fear McCain. Duh!

"Awake sleeper and arise from the dead", Ephesians 5:14, before it is too late.

Trick or treat!

Pray for Obama's defeat.

Or else God help us.

"He who sows to the wind reaps the whirlwind" Hosea 8:7

Stephen Yulish PhD
October 29, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

IT IS NOT EASY by Joanne Lowe

“So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

John 8: 7 - 11

King James Version

It is not easy for us to admit that we are wrong about something or that we have sinned. It’s certainly not easy for us to admit that we are addicted to drugs, television, sports, alcohol, pornography or anything else that hurts Jesus. There’s nothing wrong with playing sports or watching television, provided that the programs we watch are programs that we would watch if Jesus were sitting beside us, unless we put these things first in our lives. Anything that comes before Jesus or interferes with our fellowship with Him is sin.

I was in a church service many years ago when the pastor stopped preaching in the middle of a sentence and said “The football game will be on soon so I am ending my sermon early so that we can get home to watch the football game.” How that must have broken the heart of our precious Saviour. Jesus must come before everybody and everything. He paid a very expensive price to earn that right when He was crucified on the old rugged cross of horror and torture for our sins.

While these things hurt Jesus, there are other things that also hurt Him. It hurts Jesus when we abuse our spouses physically or verbally. When we criticize and ridicule our children and our parents and our siblings, it not only hurts our loved ones, it also breaks the heart of our precious Saviour. If we are constantly hurting people on purpose because we are stronger than they are or to get even with them for something they did to us or if we are addicted to something, we need to understand that we must stop doing these things.

Also, we should never condemn someone for being addicted to something. Just as Jesus said to the woman “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” so He says that to us. None of us are perfect. All of us fail and hurt Jesus. The sweetest Christian we know is just a sinner saved by grace. How dare we criticize and condemn someone when Jesus doesn’t criticize and condemn the person. We are at times a very arrogant people. May God forgive us for our holier than thou attitudes.

Our precious and loving Saviour is waiting for us to come to Him with humble and broken hearts for sinning and hurting Him. We need to ask Him to forgive us and help us get through these difficult times. Our precious Saviour is a loving, understanding and compassionate Saviour. Reach out and take the hand of our Saviour. He will take your hand and walk beside you as you are going through these dark valleys. He will never leave you, not even for one minute and He will set you on the mountain tops of joy, peace and happiness. Thank God for our risen Saviour!

Joanne Lowe

October 25, 2008

Biden Angered By Tough Questions

WFTV anchor to Joe Biden: "You may recognize this famous quote, 'From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.' that's from Karl Marx. How is Senator Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?" – Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit – Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit: "A Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week, after a federally mandated deadline requiring Obama’s lawyers to produce a “vault” copy of his birth certificate expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers."

You've got to see the full story for yourself: Click here to read the full article on

Thursday, October 23, 2008 – Pollster: Media Polls Biased Against Republicans

Another reason not to give up on McCain-Palin.... – Pollster: Media Polls Biased Against Republicans: "Political polls conducted for most media organizations often are biased against Republicans, says Kellyanne Conway, one of the most respected GOP pollsters. As a result, Barack Obama’s lead over John McCain probably is exaggerated and is contributing unfairly to his momentum, says Conway, president and founder of the Polling Company."

In other words, if you're a McCain-Palin supporter but decide to give into despair and stay home on election day, shame on you! Now, more than ever, you cannot allow the media, or anyone else discourage you. Too much is at stake for you to sulk and do nothing on election day. Basically, nothing is new; the general media has always been biased to the left and used skewed polls to try to discourage conservatives into staying home. If Obama wins because you were one of those gloom and doom non-voting conservatives, then you'll have no one to blame but yourselves when our economy and our security goes haywire.

Amy J.

Your Eyes will be Opened: A Review of Tom Horn’s book Nephilim Stargates By Stephen Yulish PhD

I can assure you that Tom Horn’s book Nephilim Stargates: the Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers will open the eyes of all who read it both Believers and non Believers alike to the unseen world of demonology, fallen angels, Watchers, UFOs, stargates and the Nephilim. The Apostle Paul wrote that “the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers” to the truth of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). From many years of studying this material, I am convinced that many Believers have also been blinded to this reality and need their veils removed also. Tom Horn does this better than anyone else that I have read in a long time.

This is the first book that I have read in over a year. Once I started it, I could not put it down until I had finished it. I got so excited about what I read that I then proceeded to read the summary out loud to my wife. Before you write me off because I have not read a book in a year, let me explain.

I was a University history history professor for years and even shared the stage thirty years ago with noted evolutionist Stephen J. Gould at a National Conference on the history of eugenics. I wrote an historical study, The Search for a Civic Religion: A History of the Character Education movement in America 1890-1935 and numerous academic articles. My library was extensive and broad. Even since becoming a Christian twenty years ago, I have written two end times novels The Great Harpazo Deception and Invasion: Israel and scores of articles. Satan has tried, however, to destroy my witness by hampering my efforts by disabling me with Multiple Sclerosis. Thus, beginning a year or so ago, my vision has become blurred and lacking by double vision so I have not been able to read much but like Paul said ‘God’s grace is sufficient for me’. I was so excited to read Tom Horn’s book that I tried anyway and it worked for the first time in over a year. I finished the entire book at one sitting and was not disappointed. It was great. If I am able to read only one book a year, I hope and pray that it will be as good as this one.

Tom blends Sumerian, Babylonian, Greek and Egyptian mythology with Judaism and Christianity as well with material on the Watchers, fallen angels, Nephilim, and UFOs better than anything that I have read since Dr. I.D. E. Thomas’s 1986 book The Omega Conspiracy. I have been writing about these areas myself for over ten years yet I myself learned a great deal from Mr. Horn’s book. Tom is an ordained Assembly of God Minister yet he is so much more. He gives the reader a glimpse into the new world order and the approaching end of civilization from a scientific, mythological as well as a Christian perspective that only he can do successfully.

You must add this book to your library immediately and carefully ponder its far reaching conclusions. We are entering a period in our history like none else that we have ever faced before and this is not the time to go at it blind. Tom Horn will open your eyes and prepare you for the things that will undoubtedly come. Be prepared! Read this book!

Stephen Yulish PhD

COME HOME by Joanne Lowe

“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee. And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.”

Luke 15: 18 - 24

King James Version

What a beautiful picture of our loving Heavenly Father! I have read this passage of Scripture many times but it hit me today like it never has before. There are times when we stray away from God but when we confess our sins to Him not only does He forgive us; He runs to meet us. What a privilege and what an honor is ours to be loved by our compassionate Heavenly Father! Thank You, Heavenly Father, for loving us and for loving us unconditionally.

W. L. Thompson wrote the beautiful and inspiring song “Softly and Tenderly”. The words to the refrain are so appropriate for us when we wander off the path that God has laid out for us. “Come home, come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home.” If you will look with your heart and listen with your heart, you will hear our Heavenly Father calling you to come home and you will see Him running to meet you.

If you have strayed away from God, He is waiting for you to come home with outstretched arms and a heart full of compassion. If you will take the first step, He will run so fast to meet you that you will instantly be in His loving and tender arms of compassion, understanding and forgiveness. I urge you to get back on the perfect path that God has laid out for you. He will take your hand and walk with you through the dark valleys of sorrow and discouragement as well as on the mountain tops of happiness and joy. Do you hear Him calling to you “Come home”? Please don’t hurt Him by refusing to answer His loving call. Go home to your Heavenly Father today.

Joanne Lowe

October 2, 2008

The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a Sham! by Stephen Yulish PhD

February 27, 2007

James Cameron's new documentary film, The Lost Tomb of Jesus is trying to delegitimize Christianity. Every year of late around the Easter Season, it seems that someone tries to undermine the foundations of the Christian faith. Last year it was The DaVinci Code and The Jesus Papers and this year it is The Lost Tomb of Jesus. All of these machinations will of course prove to be false. One reason that the Christian faith has survived and flourished for 2000 years is because there were eyewitnesses to the crucifixion and to the resurrection.

Eyewitnesses who went to their deaths smiling because they knew they they too would be raised in death to be with the Lord. And they were not suicide bombers who killed others in the name of God. In Christianity, God sent His son to die for us while in Islam, fathers send their sons to die for Allah. There is a big difference.

The stone coffins in a Jerusalem suburb which they allege to be the actual family burial crypt of Jesus of Nazareth along with his wife Mary Magdelene and son Judah were actually discovered 27 years ago.

The BBC did a documentary on them ten years ago which has been discredited. This is not a new discovery or one which has not undergone a thorough scientific investigation and come up lacking. They claim to have the names on the coffins and they claim to have the bones and the DNA to prove their case. I am not going to waste my time trying to refute these specious claims but there are thousands of people with those names buried in Jerusalem and as to the DNA that is just plain stupid! Even prominent Jerusalem archaeologist, Amos Kloner, calls these claims "impossible and nonsense!

So what is the point of this film other than to boost the sagging career of James Cameron of Titanic fame? It is to try and show that Jesus was not crucified and did not rise from the grave on the third day. The basis of Christianity is that His grave is empty. Moses is still in his grave as is Muhammad and Buddha and all other religious figures. What makes Christianity unique is that Jesus' grave is empty. If indeed these bones prove to be those of Jesus and there was no resurrection, than as the Apostle Paul wrote, Christianity is vain, worthless, and we believers are to be pitied. It means that we all are still in our sins and we should all eat and drink because tomorrow we die (1Corinthians 15:14, 17, 19, 32).

If Jesus was indeed not resurrected and his bones are indeed in that coffin, then we are all lost and perishing and our Savior is no more. But we know by faith and the true, eternal word of God that Cameron is wrong and Jesus came to this earth sent by the Father to die for our sins and that He was risen on the third day and sits at the right hand of the Father. Because Jesus did this, all of us who believe in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life (John 3:16).

If Jesus was not crucified, buried, resurrected and instead survived and married Mary Magdelene and had children and died and is in that coffin, then we all are dead in our trespasses with no hope for forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. I would not want to bet my eternal soul on that, would you?

Stephen Yulish PhD
February 27, 2007

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Colin Powell's Endorsement of Barack Hussein Obama

Colin Powell Endorses Obama: "'I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities -- and you have to take that into account -- as well as his substance -- he has both style and substance,' Powell said. 'He has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president.'"

The ability to inspire is the benchmark of an exceptional president??? Today's Republican Party is too far right for Colin Powell? First of all, if Colin Powell has truly known John McCain for the last 25 years, then he would know that McCain is definitely not the most conservative Republican in Washington. Although overall, Senator McCain's voting record has been relatively conservative, his support for embryonic stem cell research, campaign finance reform, and immigration reform has put him at odds with right-wing conservative Republicans, including myself. However, as much as it pains me to say this, there is a flip side to McCain's bad choices. John McCain is the only candidate who is willing to risk his political career to reach across the aisle to the other party. This shows that John McCain places personal conviction, right or wrong, over his career. Where is the tangible evidence of Obama ever taking such risk?(Obama On His Reach-Across-The-Aisle Record - Marc Ambinder); therefore, it is an absolute oxymoron for Colin Powell to apply the quality of "reaching out in a more diverse, inclusive way" to Obama, rather than John McCain. On a side note, if the current Republican ticket is too far right for Colin Powell, does this make Joe Lieberman (an Independent-Democrat and McCain-Palin endorser) a Republican?

Colin Powell should also understand McCain's logic in selecting Sarah Palin. McCain knows that the only chance he has is by selecting a running mate who is a Pro-life conservative. Anything less would have alienated most of the right-wing conservatives, whose support he desperately needs if he is to have any chance of becoming the next president.

Don't get me wrong; although I have some concerns with some of McCain's previous bad decisions, he is still the right candidate to lead this country out of it's current economic distress and keep us safe from those that want to see America destroyed. However, if all you care about is personality, style, and inspiration, why bother with Obama? How about someone like Oprah? After all, Oprah is a great listener and supposedly 'people just love her'. Even better yet, how about Joel Osteen? He has no experience, just like Obama. Joel is kind of like a community organizer, just like Obama, since he runs a huge "I'm OK, You're OK" type of church. But Joel Osteen has one quality over Obama; there is no one in this world who can preach a 'cotton-candy' feel-good message like Joel. As much as I am unable to stomach Joel Osteen's frosted flake sermons, I would have to agree that Joel Osteen is more inspirational than Obama. But on the other hand, Obama is a quick study. I am quite sure that just as Joel preaches his feel-good/no-judgment/no-responsibility/all inclusive message to his congregation, likewise Obama will apply the same principles and use his superb toastmaster skills to spread his feel good message to the world so that we'll all be happy, the economy will spring like a blooming desert, the Muslims will love America, and we can all sing Kumbaya...YEAH RIGHT!!!

Amy J.

Monday, October 20, 2008


“What think ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death. Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands.”

Matthew 26: 66, 67

King James Version

I think that most of us at one time in our lives have been rejected and ridiculed by somebody. However, nobody has ever been or ever will be rejected and ridiculed like our precious Saviour was when He was here on earth. His accusers said “He is guilty of death” but we know that is not true. Jesus had never sinned, had never done anything wrong, not one time. We are the ones who are guilty of death and if it were not for the compassion and unconditional love of Jesus for us, we would die in our sins and spend all eternity in hell with satan.

It hurts when we are rejected and ridiculed. My heart has been broken many times in my life because I was rejected and ridiculed. The scorn and humiliation that I endured was nothing compared to the scorn and humiliation that Jesus suffered for us. Just think about it, Jesus had never done anything wrong and yet He willingly walked that long and lonely road to Calvary and there allowed them to crucify Him on a cross of horror and agony. He did it all for us. We are the ones who deserved to die but our precious Saviour took our place and died for us.

Heavenly Father, thank You for opening Your tender loving heart of compassion, grace, mercy and forgiveness to us. Thank You for sending Your beloved Son into the world to save us. I would not be alive today if it were not for Your precious Son. I know that You must have missed Him terribly. I can’t even begin to imagine how Your heart must have broken the day Your Son left Heaven to come to earth. I appreciate all that You have done for me. Thank You for loving me. I love You, dear Heavenly Father.

Jesus, there are no words to tell You how much I love You. It is because of You that I am alive today. You are the reason I get out of bed in the morning. You have done so much for me and I don’t deserve anything. O how I love You, my precious Saviour. On that glorious day when I see You, I will put my arms around You and give You a big hug and try to tell You how much You mean to me and how much I love You. Again, thank You from the bottom of my heart for loving me unconditionally. Amen.

Joanne Lowe

October 17, 2008

Obama Thinks He is Superman, Come to Save the Earth! by Dr. Stephen Yulish

Although this is a few days late, still relevant....Amy J.

Obama thinks he is superman, come to save the Earth! by Stephen Yulish

At a charity event last night, Obama claimed his own "greatest strength would be my humility."
Said Obama: "Contrary to the rumors you have heard, I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save the planet Earth," a reference to Superman.
I know a little about jokes as you all well know (it is in the Jewish DNA) and I know a little about humility (also not in the Jewish DNA) but this guy is a pompous fool. As the old adage goes, 'much truth is said in jest'. Obama has the chutzpa not only to compare himself with Jesus, but then to say that he is superman come to save the earth. That goes over the line in my book and is not funny but is overly prideful and haughty. Humility? Yeah right! He as President? God have mercy on us.

Stephen Yulish PhD

Self-directed humor cools rhetoric
Candidates poke fun at themselves for a good cause

NEW YORK - "John McCain and Barack Obama swapped self-deprecating jokes instead of campaign jabs Thursday night, the Republican saying he had replaced his team of senior advisers with "Joe the plumber" while the Democrat claimed his own "greatest strength would be my humility."
Said Obama: "Con...

Friday, October 10, 2008

The New Obama National Anthem

Hail, Comrade Obama!!!

Amy J.

Important Message from Stephen Yulish on the Upcoming Obama Documentary

Correction made to the title: My apologies if you were misled by the erroneous title, "Important Message from Stephen Yulish on tonight's Obama Documentary". The information provided by Dr. Yulish is correct and the documentary is scheduled to air on Sunday @ 9pm (EST) on Hannity's America.

Amy J.

From Dr. Stephen Yulish:














“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.”

Hebrews 6: 19, 20

King James Version

Webster’s Dictionary has a lot of different meanings for the word “anchor”. The definition that stood out to me and the one that I like best of all reminds me of our precious Saviour. The definition is “to secure firmly: ”. When Jesus anchors our hearts in His unconditional love, it is anchored even firmer than concrete.

Our precious Saviour secures our hearts firmly by His cleansing atoning blood that He shed for us on the cross of Calvary. Once His blood has been applied to our hearts for the forgiveness of our sins, we are His for all eternity and nobody and nothing can pry us from Him.

We read in the Bible “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one” (John 10: 27 - 30).

Jesus is not only the anchor of our hearts; He is also our firm foundation. One day, our merciful and loving Heavenly Father opened His heart of unconditional love and compassion to us and sent His beloved Son into the world to bear the penalty for our sins. Jesus paid the debt that we could never pay. The debt was not His. Jesus had never sinned; had never done anything wrong, not one time.

Yet Jesus willingly walked that long lonely road to Calvary and there shed His precious blood for our salvation. He could have come down from the cross if He had wanted to but He stayed on that cross of horror because He loves us so much. He suffered an excruciating pain that we will never be able to fully comprehend with our human minds. We only have just a fingernail’s understanding of how much pain and agony that He suffered for us. What a Saviour, this Jesus of Nazareth! Have you allowed Jesus to anchor your heart with His cleansing atoning blood for the forgiveness of your sins?

Joanne Lowe

October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

John McCain & Sarah Palin - Sean Hannity Interview

"Senator John McCain and Sarah Palin sit down for an interview with Sean Hannity to discuss the townhall presidential debate performance of John McCain and Barack Obama, as well as Barack Obama and Joe Biden and their stance on issues versus the McCain/Palin team. Part 1"

More Yom Kippur trivia by Dr. Stephen Yulish

In spite of the insistence by many liberal Reform Jews that since animal sacrifices are no longer possible to absolve them of their sins, they only need to give to "charitable" groups like ACORN, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU (ha), many Orthodox Biblical Jews still maintain certain customs in this endeavor during Yom Kippur.

One is called tashlich where they go to a body of water and throw bread crumbs (sins) on the water to rid them of heir sins (Ecclesiastes 11:1). Another is called kapparah, where a person takes a live chicken and wrings its neck as a sin sacrifice. Of course the liberal Obama Jews think that these practices are backward and superstitious as opposed to things like abortion and gay rights which are progressive.

Know Enough?

"Beyond the speeches, how much do you really know about Barack Obama? Learn about his connection to William Ayers."


“I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts.”

Isaiah 65: 2

King James Version

I remember one time when I was a teenager that I wanted to do something and my Mother told me that I couldn’t. I kept asking her and hounding her to get permission to do what I wanted to do. She finally got exasperated and upset and said “Do what you want. It doesn’t matter what I say. You’re going to do it your way anyway.”

I think that sometimes we treat God the same way that I treated my Mother. If He tells us no or doesn’t give us an answer when we want it, we may not say that we are going to do it our way or even think it but we do it our way anyway. I’m reminded of what I heard Bill Gaither say on one of their Homecoming tapes that I have. I don’t know if he was talking about his parents or if he was quoting someone else. No matter if it was his parents or someone else’s parents the message is the same.

Bill Gaither said “I used to think that my parents were so stupid until I went away to college. When I came home, I was surprised at how much they had learned.” When I first heard Bill say that, I laughed but then it hit me that we do the same thing to God. We sometimes think that our way is better than God’s way. Then when we fail and end up with our lives off of the perfect path that He has set for us, we realize that it is us and not Him who acted in a stupid manner.

There are a lot of good things that we can do to serve Jesus but we need to be certain that they are in His will for our lives. He may have other plans for us; plans that He hasn’t revealed to us yet. We also need to be certain that we don’t get involved doing so many things, even things that are good, that we don’t have the time to spend with Him. I received an email from someone last year who told me that she had joined so many clubs and was teaching so many Bible studies, ten Bible studies every day of the week, that she didn’t have the time to fellowship with God like she used to do. How that must hurt Him and break His heart!

It is time that we stop being rebellious children to our Heavenly Father and become obedient children. We need to remember that He knows what is best for our lives. He can see the end results and He is the only one who can make all things work together for good. Are you being obedient to God or are you one of His rebellious children? Allow God to direct you on the perfect path that He has for you. You will have a lot more peace, a lot more joy and a lot more happiness in your heart and in your life. The most important thing is that you will make the heart of our precious Saviour happy.

Joanne Lowe

October 1, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yom Kippur begins tonight-What does this mean to you? by Dr. Stephen Yulish

Tonight at sundown, begins the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. I had to fast until sundown the next day, no water, no brushing your teeth and had to go to synagogue and ask God to forgive me of my sins for the year, (Leviticus 23:26-32). Since there is no longer any Temple to do animal sacrifices since 70 AD Jews have taught that prayers and charity suffice (they wish). In Temple days, this was the day when the High Priest said the name of God aloud ,YHVH, and everyone fell prostrate on the ground. The High Priest after much preparation cast lots for two goats (Leviticus 16:8), one which was killed and its blood sprinkled on the mercy seat of the Ark in the Holy of Holies for as a sin offering for the people (Leviticus 16:15). The other goat had its head laid on by the hands of the High Priest and the sins of the people were put on it and it was led out of town. (Leviticus 16:21-22).

Interestingly enough, this all changed around 30 AD according to the writings of the Jews themselves! The lot for the goat to be sacrificed ceased to come up on the right hand of the High Priest as it always had and the crimson cloth (Isaiah 1:18) that they put outside the Holy of Holies in the Temple and would turn white to show that the sacrifices had worked, did not turn white as it always had before (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 31:b). The Western light in the Temple would not keep burning as before and the doors of the Temple would no longer open of themselves (Talmud, Yoma 39b).

These things happened around the time of the sacrificial death of Jesus. Duh! And we see in the Book of Hebrews 9:12-27ff, how the blood of Christ now washes us clean once and for all time and doesn't need to be repeated every year. Thus when Christian friends ask me if I fast on Yom Kippur or if they need to, I answer that we longer have to because Christ died once and for all for our sins.

Stephen Yulish PhD

Obama and the spirit of antichrist by Stephen Yulish PhD

Look, I do not believe that Barack Obama is the Antichrist that is mentioned in the tribulation period (2 Thessalonians) but he might be. What do I know? I am sure that he is a type of the antichrist that has risen (1John 2:18) and is the spirit of antichrist (1John 4:3) and thus we know that it the last hour. If he gets elected and there does not seem to anything stopping him now, I know that this country will be destroyed from within.

I know this spirit of antichrist from personal experience as I have discussed before. I was raised and steeped in liberal democrat Jewish ideology just like Obama and many of his advisors. I protested the Vietnam War and even wore a black armband to my college graduation ceremonies in 1969. I avoided the draft by signing up for a fifth grade teaching assignment in the ghetto of Cleveland (community service?) even though my BA was in Anthropology. The MA program that we were also made to enter at Cleveland State was the epitome of community organization. We were taught Ebonics (Black English) and community involvement. I wore another black armband to my Fifth grade after Kent State. When the draft lottery came out, I pulled 359/365 so I decided to go back to grad school in history . My advisor was a Freudian Marxist who made Reverend Wright and Father Phleger? look like choir boys. He and my fellow grad school classmates were Marxists more like Bill Ayers. They called me a weak liberal. I studied Saul Alinsky and voted for McGovern in 1972. Been there done that. Obama's associations with the aforementioned radicals was well as with Tony Resko?, Acorn, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack, Barney ( fageleh) Frank, Hollywood types, liberal media types, Move etc and a host of ultraliberal rich Jewish ladies in Chicago, disqualifies him in my estimation from being president of all the people. My eyes were opened when I got saved 20 years ago but I have never forgotten where I came from (the pits of hell). I know these types.

All of that is amazing and depressing but it gets much worse.

This antichrist figure, whom the Jews called the King of the Last Generation was referenced in Jewish extra biblical pseudopigraphal works like The Seventh Vision of Daniel and The Testament of the Patriarchs, the Babylonian Talmud (500 AD), the Sefer Zerubbabel and Saadia Gaon's Midrash Gellulah (925 AD) was called Satan Armilus. While I will not go into this in detail now, I want you to see how they described this antichrist and see if it applies to Obama.

'Knees unbending, wide eyebrows, crooked finger, pointed head, gracious, beautiful, wise, visionary, clever, sober, gentle and mild, son of a bondswoman, insolent, skilled in intrigue, shrouded in deceit."

We all know that while maybe America deserves such a judgment, we need to pray for God's mercy for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Only He can stop this sinister Obama.

Stephen Yulish PhD

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sarah "Barracuda" Palin Goes for the Kill – Palin Criticizes Obama's Ties to Wright, Ayers: "Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is criticizing Barack Obama's ties to his incendiary former pastor and a 1960s-era radical."

I know that I have previously criticized Sarah Palin for her support of Israel/Palestine's two-state solution. But, aside from that issue, I strongly believe that Sarah embodies the hope of the Republican Party. There are a few others that fit this category, such as Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal; but he's not running for the second highest office in the United States and is not yet in a position to affect national policies.

It is refreshing to see a new-comer to national politics (but highly qualified in the executive responsibilities) who is not only unafraid to speak the truth but is completely straight with the people on where she stands. Only if John McCain had Sarah's verbal tenacity to go after Obama in the same manner. It is John who needs to desperately improve his debating skills and needs to take a crash course from Sarah. I know that Sarah has charisma and natural talent on her side, but anyone can always improve.

I don't remember who said this, but a pundit on the Foxnews channel stated that Sarah did a better job of explaining McCain's policies better than John McCain did during the debates. I hope and pray for a dramatic and miraculous improvement on John McCain's debating skills. As talented as Sarah is, she's not the one that has to face Obama in tomorrow's debate.

Amy J.

Barack Hussein Obama - the Muslim Apostate Presidential Candidate

Barack Obama – Muslim apostate? | "The fact that Senator Obama – the son of a Muslim father – insists he was never a Muslim before becoming Christian is irrelevant to bin Laden. In bin Laden's eyes, Obama is a murtad fitri, the worst type of apostate, because he was blessed by Allah to be born into the true faith of Islam."

This is old news, yet requires reflection as we get closer to election day. Can we afford to put someone in the office of the President of the United States who is branded the worst type of apostate by Muslims, and as a result, will turn the United States into a diplomatic nightmare and an international circus show? In spite of our current tumultuous relationship with the Muslim nations, we, at the present moment, have one thing in our favor; none of our U.S. presidents have ever been identified as an apostate in this manner. This is something that will always follow Barack Hussein Obama, due to his association with the religion, by birth. Therefore, with Obama as President, not only will he have the privilege of being identified as the first "black" President; he will be the first U.S. president to carry the title of murtad fitri. Read the linked article, then try to envision the direction of our country with an apostate Obama Administration.

Amy J.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Iran, Israel and Armilus-the Antichrist by Stephen Yulish PhD

Much has been written of late concerning the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim that he had a mystical vision of the return of the 12th Islamic Imam, a child who disappeared in the year 941, who will be the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah. When this Mahdi returns, he will reign for 7 years and then bring final judgment and the end of the world. Many Christians believe that he actually will be what the New Testament calls the Antichrist who will rule and reign for seven years during the Tribulation. It makes us all see more clearly not only how those left behind after the harpazo (rapture) will be deceived to believe that those Christians who disappeared to be with Jesus in the clouds were actually abducted by the mass of UFOs all over the skies, but also how those left behind will believe that the Antichrist who appears is actually the Messiah.

False prophets and messiahs have always been with us and the Bible warns us to be aware of them whether they are a Jim Jones or a David Koresh or the great Matraiya, or a Rev. Moon or the Lubuvitcher Rabbi Shneerson or the coming Mahdi. This warning is however especially important when it comes to Islam and Judaism because these are the very people who have rejected Christ and will be left behind to suffer together through these terrible yet deceptive times of Jacob's trouble, the so called Tribulation. Satan has deceived the Muslims to believe that their Messiah will come in the end times and rule for seven years and then will bring final judgment and the end of the world. We know from the word of God that it will be the Antichrist that will rule for 7 years and then be defeated by the return of Jesus Christ who will bring final judgment and the end of the world. Muslim doctrine on this Mahdi, which is not part of the Koran but actually is part of oral tradition, is the work of Satan to deceive them and not bring them to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Satan is alive and well in the mosques of today as he once was in the Catholic Church of the Inquisition and pogroms and the Lutheran Church of the Nazis. In both instances, Satan convinced the willing to persecute God's chosen people and to try and destroy them. Satan hates the Jews because the Messiah came through them and the word of God was written by them. Also, if he can destroy Israel then where will the end time Temple be rebuilt and where will Jesus Christ return to rule and reign for 1000 years? Islam speaks of the prophet Isa (Jesus) returning in the last days to help the Mahdi defeat the evil one. Thus Islam has the two major players involved in the end times, Christ and the Antichrist, but has them terribly mixed up and jumbled. They will be deceived.

Unfortunately, this discussion of the Messiah (Christ) and the Antichrist is not only limited to Christians and Muslims. Jewish tradition also speaks very clearly about the person called the antichrist. Neither most Christians nor most Jews have ever heard of this concept. An excellent summary of all the Jewish literature relating to this concept can be found in the Encyclopedia Judaica under the name Armilus. Armilus was the legendary Jewish name of the Messianic antagonist or anti Messiah.

According to the apocalyptic Midrashim, Sefer Zerubbavel, and the medieval sage Saadia Gaon's Midrash Ge'ullah and well as the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan there will arise a Messiah ben Joseph (the first of two Jewish Messiahs) who will be slain (pierced) by Armilus in the end times war of Gog and Magog prior to the time of redemption. He in turn will be killed by Messiah ben David the second Messiah. Jews say there are two Messiahs but it is actually one Messiah coming twice.

Midrash Ge'ullah states that "Satan Armilus is whom the Gentiles call antichrist but there is no proof of Christian influence." Imagine, the Jews claiming the antichrist for themselves and denying any Christian influence? That is amazing and ultimately so sad. The name Armilus is thought to come from the Roman name Romulus because the Jews hated Rome for destroying the Second Temple and decimating Jerusalem. The Encyclopedia Judaica states that Satan Armilus will have hold of the terrestrial world but Messiah will have control of heaven and eternal kingdom. Armilus's evil deeds are described in the Midrash Ge'ullah. He will be "the least of kings, son a bondwoman, monstrous in appearance". He will be born of a beautiful virgin, born of a stone. This was probably from a Roman legend by Virgil that in Rome a marble statue of a beautiful maiden formed not by human hands but by God was defiled by the wicked sons of Belial and would come and lie with her and impregnate the stone and thus create Satan Armilus. He will be 12 cubits tall and two cubits broad with a space between his eyes which are crooked and red. His hair is golden and the soles of his feet are green. He also will have two heads.

In my novel, Invasion: Israel, I created a fictional representative of this Jewish Antichrist, Satan Armilus, as a Dr. Sam Armilus, who embodied many of these characteristics.

My Dr.Armilus was of Jewish ancestry and was also a homosexual as the Prophet Daniel intimated. He will deceive the entire world into believing that He is God and will reign over the entire world. He will come with 10 kings together and fight over Jerusalem. He will slay Messiah ben Joseph and many other righteous men. Armilus will banish Israel to the wilderness and there be great distress for them and they will have to hide in caves. He will take the stone from which he was born and make her the chief of all idolatry. All will bow down to her and pour out libations to her. No one can look on her face for any reason. Is this the abomination of desolation mentioned in the Bible?

This marble virgin motif was a result of Virgil's story popular in Rome coupled with the Christianity story of the Immaculate Conception and the worship of images both of which the Jews rejected. At the end, Messiah ben David will come and defeat Armilus's 500,000 hosts and bring deliverance for Israel and the kingdom of heaven will come over the entire earth.

Once again this concept of the Antichrist in Jewish lore is one which is foreign to most Jews let alone most Christians. It is akin to the Jew who says that Jesus never existed because there is no record of him other than the New Testament. When it is pointed out that not only does the Talmud speak of Him but it talks of His being put to death for blasphemy and sorcery. "Jesus of Nazareth was going to be stoned for sorcery. A plea went out for anyone to plead on his behalf and nobody responded so he was hanged on a tree on the eve of Passover" (b.sanhedrin 43a. t.sanhedrin 10:11, g.sanhedrin 7:16. 67a). Moses Maimonides the medieval Jewish sage also spoke of Jesus in his Mishneh Torah where he spoke of "Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Messiah and was executed by the court (Sanhedrin)". So the Jewish person must be shown that his assumptions about Jesus and probably likewise the Jewish Antichrist are false. Most Christians as well, will not believe that Jewish extra biblical Midrashim and legends speak of Satan Armilus as the Antichrist and that they claimed that it was not a result of Christian influence.

These medieval Jewish storytellers spoke of two Messiahs. The first Messiah, son of Joseph who will be pierced by Satan Armilus (sounds like Jesus doesn't it?), in the end time battle of Gog and Magog and then Armilus would be defeated by Messiah son of David (Second coming of Christ,) who would usher in Kingdom of God.

Many Jews will be deceived to believe that the appearance of Armilus, the Jewish Antichrist, is actually their Messiah. The Muslims will also be deceived to believe that the return of the Mahdi is their Messianic savior rather than the antichrist. Ironically both the Muslims and the Jews will be deceived in the end of days.

In my novel, Invasion: Israel, Dr. Sam Armilus (my character representing the Antichrist) works hand in hand with Azazel, the fallen angel extraterrestrial in his UFO, to not only keep the Jews and Muslims deceived as to the truth concerning the disappearance of the Christians into the air to be kept from harm by Jesus, but also to kill the witness of those who call out to Jesus by beheading them. Armilus and Azazel also collaborate to convince the world that the Israelis (Jews) are vermin that need to be eradicated by a massive tank invasion.

No matter what Ahmadinejad or Bush or Olmert or Putin choose to do, remember that the Persian-Russian invasion of Israel was spelled out 2500 years ago by the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel. "When these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near", Luke 21:28.

Stephen Yulish PhD
February 16, 2007

GOD’S HAPPY LIFE by Joanne Lowe

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

Psalm 16: 11

King James Version

The world offers us a happy hour in bars which costs money and which is definitely not a happy hour. It may bring a temporary high which makes us forget our problems but when the high wears off the problems are still there and we have a hang over. God offers us a happy life through His beloved Son, Jesus, which brings a genuine and a lasting happiness. This happy life is free to us but it cost Jesus His life’s blood. “And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins”(Matthew 26: 27, 28).

However, we need to remember that satan will do all that he can possibly do to defeat us and discourage us from serving Jesus. It upsets satan and makes him very angry to see us happy and he will attack us with vicious lies, with doubts and confusion, and with criticism and sarcasm and judgmental words. Sad as it is, there are times that satan even attacks us through our families. Most of the time, our families don’t even realize that satan is using them to discourage us from serving Jesus.

I received an email from a lady two years ago who said that her daughter had disowned her and would have nothing do with her anymore because she was serving Jesus. It is so important that we stay in the presence of Jesus so satan will not be able to poison our minds and discourage us. One of the ways that satan tries to discourage us from serving Jesus is by confusing us and filling our minds with doubts about what we should do to serve Jesus.

When I surrendered to the mission field in 1999, my pastor prayed a beautiful prayer for me. Then he gave me some very wise counsel. Pastor David told me not to wait until God told me what my mission work was to be; he told me to start serving Jesus right where I was. I began telling people how much Jesus loves them and that He loves them unconditionally. When we don’t know what else to do at the time, we do know that all of us have been given a mandate by Jesus Himself to tell everyone that He loves them and that He loves them unconditionally.

However, I became impatient to know what God wanted me to do as a missionary. I must have prayed and asked God at least twenty times what He wanted me to do to serve Jesus. One day God spoke to my heart and said “My time is not your time. When the time is right, you will have peace in your heart.” I never asked Him again what He wanted me to do. It wasn’t until January 24, 2005 that God entrusted me with the ministries of encouraging pastors and writing devotions.

Over the last three and a half years, I have received several emails from missionaries, evangelists and pastors who told me that they had prayed and asked our Heavenly Father what He wanted them to do to serve Him but hadn’t received an answer. When we are confused and have doubts as to what God wants us to do, it is important for us to remember this verse “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55: 8, 9).

If we will stay in the presence of Jesus and keep praising Him, not only will we have fulness of joy we will also have peace and happiness in our hearts. Don’t allow satan to rob you of your joy and happiness by planting doubts and confusion in your mind and heart about what you are supposed to do to serve Jesus. Wait for God to speak to your heart.

“He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40: 29 - 31). Are you willing to wait for God to speak to your heart and give you direction and the ministries that He wants you to do? Remember, His thoughts are not your thoughts and His ways are not your ways. His thoughts and His ways are higher than yours and His thoughts and His ways are perfect.

Joanne Lowe

September 30, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah Palin Dead Wrong on Israel

I write this blog entry with hesitation and sadness because I am a supporter of Sarah Palin. I do believe that she has the interests of the American people on her mind. In the VP debate, Sarah did a wonderful job putting Joe Biden on defense and clearly and passionately stated the issues that represents most of America. However, there is one issue stated by Sarah that I cannot allow to quietly slip by. Her policy and support for the two-state solution is downright dangerous for both Israel and America.

Here is the unfortunate statement made by Sarah Palin during the VP debate:
Transcript of Palin, Biden debate - "PALIN: A two-state solution is the solution. And Secretary Rice, having recently met with leaders on one side or the other there, also, still in these waning days of the Bush administration, trying to forge that peace, and that needs to be done, and that will be top of an agenda item, also, under a McCain-Palin administration.

Israel is our strongest and best ally in the Middle East. We have got to assure them that we will never allow a second Holocaust, despite, again, warnings from Iran and any other country that would seek to destroy Israel, that that is what they would like to see.

We will support Israel. A two-state solution, building our embassy, also, in Jerusalem, those things that we look forward to being able to accomplish, with this peace-seeking nation, and they have a track record of being able to forge these peace agreements.

They succeeded with Jordan. They succeeded with Egypt. I'm sure that we're going to see more success there, also.

It's got to be a commitment of the United States of America, though. And I can promise you, in a McCain-Palin administration, that commitment is there to work with our friends in Israel."

NO! NO! NO! A two-state solution is NO solution. Let's say, theoretically, you are able to get the neighboring/occupying Arabs (or whom we affectionately refer to as the "Palestinians") to actually agree to a two-state solution; based on their adherence to the Islamic practices of Hudna, the resulting peace would be temporary. Within Islamic practices, Hudna is a form of a temporary peace/cease-fire which allows the Islamic terrorists time to build up their manpower/arsenal until such time they decide to attack their enemy, deceived by the false sense of security. Therefore, in this particular situation, as their Israeli neighbors are enjoying the temporary "cease-fire", the Palestinians would be taking advantage of the time to prepare for a future attack against Israel. It totally goes against the belief/philosophy of the Arabs/Palestinians to allow Israel (whom they identify as infidels) to continue to exist, unless they convert to Islam.

On another note, the land that the Palestinians want as their state is the land that God gave to the Israelites several thousands of years ago. Sarah Palin should know this and she should know the consequences of taking away the God-given lands from Israel. Sarah Palin is an Evangelical Christian and was formerly associated with the Assemblies of God, strongly pro-Israel. Granted that she moved to a different church/denomination, the Wasilla Bible Church, but this church is also a biblical based church. It is known that because of how she has grown in her faith within these churches, Sarah Palin is pro-Israel and sincerely wants to protect and defend the country and her people.

I don't know if Sarah lacks the understanding of the depth of providence of the country of Israel or what the scriptures warn about dividing Israel, but I hope that someone, very soon, talks to her about the anti-biblical nature of the two-state solution. I certainly hope that John McCain does not share this view, along with the desire to continue with Bush's two-state, Israeli "peace" process.

It would be highly beneficial if Mike Huckabee spoke to Sarah about the errors of her statements. Mike knows the truth and articulately stated his position to WorldNetDaily:
Huckabee: Let Palestinians create country 'elsewhere': "'Israel is surrounded by nations in various states of war with the Jewish state. Because of the limited footprint of real estate they have, it's not practical for Israel to give up any land. The two-state solution is no solution, but will cause only problems,' said Huckabee..."..."'There is only one place on earth where the Jewish people could have a homeland that is consistent with their roots, whereas the Palestinians can create their homeland in many other places in the Middle East, outside Israel,' he said."

Another good idea is for Sarah Palin to read a book by White House Correspondent, Bill Koening called, "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel", which goes into extensive detail the consequences that has afflicted the United States as a result of President Bush's and other past presidents', role in the two-state solution.

I hope and pray that Sarah Palin has the humility to admit that she was wrong about the two-state solution and that she learns the truth.

Amy J.